Thursday 24 October 2013

Victorian vs Modern Circuses Presentation - Digital Design


Peer Assessment

Positive Feedback
  • There's a good, wide range of information
  • Good information
Negative Feedback
  • Need more images
  • Need to read louder
  • Needs to be more interesting
  • Need to look at audience
I agree with all of it apart from the negative point saying that we need to look at the audience. We couldn't read off the board whilst looking at the audience.

The comparison between Victorian and Modern Circuses does not help me at all as the Victorian costumes were plain and simple and the more modern circuses mainly consist of tight leotards and clown outfits.

Circus Mind Map - Digital Design

Thursday 17 October 2013

My Top 4 Fashion Designers for the Circus Collection - Digital Design

Elsa Schiaperelli's circus collection is my favourite as I like the way she has used the prints of performing animals in her outfits.



Galliano's Circus collection is my second favourite as I like the dark background and the way the tiger stands out on the back.

 Desigual's collection is third in my top 4 as I like the tutus however I don't like how bright everything is.

Bauhaus Triadic Ballet is my lease favourite as I don't like how dull everything is.

 These pieces of research are not useful to me at all as they do not fit in with my theme. They do not inspire me for any of my own designs and none of the colours fit with the Gothic theme.

Peer Assessment - Digital Design

Three points where you have been successful are..
  1. Layout of the moodboard.
  2. Linking of colours from moodboard to final garment.
  3. Good sketches for flat designs.
I agree with the first two points but not with the third as I thought that my sketches could've been better.
Two points I think you could develop and extend are..
  1. Less writing on moodboards.
  2. Do more refined samples related to the final garment.
I agree with both of these points.


Well done great start you have a good strong pass for this unit.  Your final design is well considered with the lace trim and sequins, it links well to your research and you confirm this in your annotations all the makings of a good project.  You have some nice samples and even the print
experiments are well drawn.  To develop your thinking linking your work to current fashion including actual examples from your shop report.          
You have worked very hard and it shows, you have good future in fashion on the course.  

Sunday 13 October 2013

Is my garment in fashion now? - Digital Design

The garment that I have designed would be in fashion  now as over-sized jumpers are in many shops this season, as shown by the baggy jumper from Mango in my shop report, however the colours of my garment do not fit into this season's fashion. The colours in this season's fashion are warm colours such as browns, oranges and reds, as shown by the tartan trousers in my shop report. However, my garment is bright purple so it therefore does not fit into the fashion this season in that aspect.

Thursday 10 October 2013

Written Statement - Digital Design

My garment has been inspired by the 1980’s era. I have used a baggy jumper as these were popular in the 80’s due to the film Fame. As the brief was to customize my garment and make it into a party outfit I have added sequins, studs and lace. In the 80’s a jumper like this would be worn to a party over leggings.

The jumper I used was an old one of my mum’s which she wore in the 80’s and I bought the sequins, studs and lace from a stall in the market.

As I did not have to buy the actual garment it only cost me about £5.00 to make. A bag of sequins cost 50p, the studs cost £2.00 and the lace cost £2.50.

Since I was a little girl I loved going to the theatre and seeing all the bright and colourful costumes on stage and this has made me want to become a costume designer. I have not yet decided if I would like to go to university or to go straight on to work after I have left college but I will do whatever is best to achieve my dream. 

Introductory Project - Digital Design

Research and Moodboard
I started off by making a vintage moodboard based on the theme Pretty Nostalgic. I used pale colours and flowery patterns and also added lace fabrics. I then developed from this vintage moodboard and worked around a certain decade. The decade I chose was 1980. I collaged many pictures together of clothes that were in style in the 80's. This included off-the-shoulder jumpers, miniskirts, shoulder pads, leggings and lace. I used mainly black, white and grey on my moodboard with the odd splash of colour. I quite liked my moodboard as it gave me lots of inspiration which helped me with my final design. I also like the composition of my moodboard as the pictures over lapped and were not just in straight lines. I also made a digital moodboard using photoshop. This moodboard was pretty much the same however I liked the composition less ass the pictures all had straight edges and were either next to or below eachother.   

Flat Illustration

On my flat illutrations I used the same colour scheme as on my moodboards; pink, purple, black, white and grey. I designed ten garments ranging from jumpers to dresses and skirts. On these designs I used the four techniques we had learnt, which were pockets, gathering, pleats and embellishing. I also used inspiration from my decade moodboard. From these flat illustrations I created my final design.

Final Design

My final design was created using my moodboards, my flat illustrations and the techniques we had learnt. I decided to design a baggy jumper as these were worn all the time in the 80's, I chose a deep purple colour with gold and white embellishments. The techniques I chose to use was embellishing. The jumper had a v-kneck and i added three triangles down each side with another triangle at the pont of the v. I also decided to add lace to my design as this was a key element in 80's fashion.


My most important sampling method was embellishing as this is what I would be using on my final garment. For my embellishing sample I sewed four different sized black buttons to some cream fabric. This fit into my colour scheme as did my other samples such as my lace pocket on a purple background and my purple pleats.

Photoshoot and Final Garment
My final garment is a little different to my final design as I used white lace instead of the black which I planned to use. I used white as it stands out more than black. Also I did not add a lace trim to the front of my garment like I planned on my final design as I didn't want to go overboard with the lace.

Clothes Show Live Evaluation

My customized garment for the Clothes Show Live competition was based on the decade 1980’s. The style in the 80’s was baggy jumpers, leggings, tight miniskirts (made of either lycra or leather), shoulder pads and lace to add detail to clothing. As the brief was to design a customized, vintage party outfit I researched into the party side of the 80’s and found that baggy jumpers were still worn but had gold embellishments and satin applique to add detail and life to the outfit. The baggy jumper would either be worn over a miniskirt or leggings.
The jumper I used to customize was a V-neck so I added three triangles down each side and a triangle coming from the tip of the V. In the top triangle, on each side of the V, I sewed gold sequins to create a shiny, shimmery effect. In the second triangle I sewed on some white lace and in the third triangle I combined both by, first sewing on the lace and then sewing sequins around the edges. In the triangle at the tip of the V I sewed some gold studs. On the back of the jumper I sewed lace around the neck, down the middle and around the bottom. None of what I did was particularly tricky however sewing on the sequins was very time consuming and, as the lace had a frilly edge on one side but a straight edge on the other, I had to sew two pieces together for the middle strip so that it had a frilly edge on both sides. The fabric I used to customize was lace and the decorations I used were sequins and studs.
My garment matched my theme as it was a baggy jumper, which were popular in the 80’s, but was customized with gold embellishments and lace to tie in the party part of the brief. In the photo shoot I made my model wear leather leggings to also add to the 80’s theme.
If I could make my garment again I would probably use a sequinned fabric instead of sewing the sequins on one by one. I would also extend the lace to all around the bottom of my garment instead of just on the back.

What is a Mood board?
A mood board is a collection of images, fabrics, threads, buttons, a colour palette, patterns and annotations, with a theme, to help create your own designs.
The term pretty nostalgic means to me nice, girly, vintage clothing.

Upcyclying clothing is when you take a garment and add buttons, studs, lace, stitching etc. It may also be known as customizing. It is basically repairing a garment or adding new/modern touches to it.
To customize a garment you can add pockets, embellish, add pleats, gather it or rip it.
Shops upcyclye clothing to earn lots of money from old, used clothing.
Junk shop
Asos marketplace
The Enlightened Platypus


What is a Flat Illustration?
A flat illustration is a design of a garment not drawn on a model. It is either the front or the back. You can include the drawing and maybe add a colour pallette.

What is the difference between Puck fashion and Make Do and Mend fashion?
Punk fashion is scruffy and outrageous. It started in the 80's and shocked the nation. Punks did not want to be like their parents so they rebelled and ripped their clothing, accessorized with safety pins and spikes, had many peircings and wore lots of makeup.
Make do and mend fashion was around during WW2. They were trying to ration everything from food to clothing so they customized and made new clothing from old pieces of cloth and curtains. They would use mens old suits to made dresses and curtains to make cots for their babies.
I prefer punk fashion because I like how they express themselves through their clothing and don't care what people think.