Thursday 13 February 2014

How To Plan A Catwalk - Contextual Studies

What you need:

  • A venue
  • Models
  • Designers
  • Music
  • Set/backdrop
  • Catwalk
  • Hair and makeup artists
  • Promotional material
Five top tips:
  1. Make a running order for the models. Make sure it is in a suitable order and not all mixed up. The themes and colours of the garment should flow smoothly from one to the other, not jump around in different orders.
  2. Pick music for the models to walk to. Make sure it matches the theme and isn't too fast or slow, remember the models may be wearing heels so need something they can walk comfortably in time with.
  3. Give everybody a role. There will be lots of things to do. The models need dressing, organising and told when to go on stage. Someone will need to choreograph and take into account the garments and how many people will be on the catwalk at a time etc. Tickets need to be sold. The show will need to be promoted. Someone will need to get in touch with everybody involved and let them know dates and times. People will need to clean up afterwards. There are many things to do so there will definitely be a role for everybody.
  4. Arrange a dress rehearsal. There's nothing worse than something going wrong on the night because you haven't practised in the garments. It may be simple things such as a garment having a long, trailing skirt and the timings being too short so the model behing stands on the dress. This little tiny detail may ruin the whole night. A dress rehearsal is compulsory.
  5. Make sure everybody knows times and places. All the models and designers need to know the time of the show, the rehearsals and the time that hair and makeup is being done. Designers need to be with models behind stage at all times to direct the hair and makeup artists on how you want your model done up and to make any final adjustments to the garment. 
If you follow the tips your catwalk should be a success. Good luck and don't forget to have fun!

  • It gets people working together such as models, designers and makeup artists etc.
  • It's a good, fun way to make money.
  • It's a great way to show off your designs and get yourself known.
  • Things can go wrong and make you look unorganised and silly.
  • People involved can let you down and you may have to be cut from the show due to not having a model etc.
  • People might not turn up to watch the show and then you won't make a profit and will have just wasted money instead of gaining it.

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