Sunday 19 January 2014

How To Organise A Fashion Photo shoot - Contextual Studies

What you will need:
  • a model
  • a fashion photographer with a good camera
  • hair and makeup artists
  • a stylist
  • a location
  • a theme
  • your final garments
  • accessories
  • an assistant
5 top tips for organising a photo shoot:
  1. First of all you will need a theme. This theme will determine the garment you make, what your model will look like, the way the hair will be styled and the makeup will be done and the location of the shoot. It doesn't have to be too complicated but remember that everything from the moment you choose your theme will have to link to it.
  2. Secondly you will need a model. The model will either 'make or break' the shoot. The model that you choose will need to relate to your theme. Think of any specific features the model may need. For example, if your model has tattoos will it link to the theme? To find a model there are many social networking sites on which you can make contact with not only models but also stylists, makeup artists and photographers. If you cannot find a model on these sites then use a family member or a friend.
  3. Next you will need a makeup artist. Makeup artists do not only make the model look more attractive, they also act as an extra pair of eyes on set e.g. if a piece of hair is astray or a bra strap is showing they may notice it when you didn't. You can find makeup artists in the same way that you find models or, if you have a more professional model they may help you to make contact with their favourite makeup artist.
  4. After this you will need to find a location to shoot your photos in and a specific date and time that your team will be free. Remember that the location always needs to link with the theme regardless of whether it is at a studio, outdoors or indoors.
  5. The final and most important thing you need to organise a photo shoot is communication. You need to communicate with your team to organise a specific date and time that everybody will be ready to shoot. You also need to send your team photos of makeup and poses which relate to your theme so that they have an idea of what they are doing on the day of the shoot. Make sure that all the team has your number and you have theirs and remind everybody of the time and place the day before the shoot.
Finally, always remember to have fun!

Pros of a photo shoot:
  • Helps you to document the garments that you have made and create a portfolio.
  • Gives you experience of working with other people such as models and photographers.
  • When you are first starting out photo shoots are a great way to help everybody out. A copy of the final photos will be sent to all the team for their portfolios.
  • It is a great way to meet people and good photographers etc. that you may want to use on future shoots.
Cons of a photo shoot:
  • You may have unreliable models or makeup artists that do not turn up on the day and then you have no shoot.
  • Your model may be inexperienced and the photos may not turn out the way you want them too.
  • You may make the model look amazing in your garment and extraordinary makeup however if she is awkward then the photos will not turn out well.
  • People may forget things on the day and it may ruin your shoot e.g. shoes to match the garment etc.

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