Thursday 15 May 2014

Rough and Refined Illustrations

Taking inspiration from the Maasai tribe's clothing, the Maasai women's beaded collars and Emilio Pucci's Spring/Summer 2014 collection I created the rough designs shown to the below. The garment shapes come in a wide variety however the patterns all come from my recreations taken from images of the Maasai tribe. All of the designs also contain beading which links to my theme Intricacy with Age. This is inspired by the Maasai women's beaded collars and the way the beading is distributed on the garments is inspired by Pucci's collection.

When I had finished these designs I showed them to my model who gave me her opinion on them. She said that as she would be the one wearing the garment that she would prefer something that wasn't too revealing. Keeping this in mind I created the refined designs shown below.
After creating these designs I chose my two favourite and showed them to one of my teachers she gave her opinion and showed me the elements that she preferred from each design. From her opinion I came up with the final design shown below.

I showed this design to my other teacher and she said she liked it however she believes that I could design something more complicated and detailed to achieve a higher grade. She found an aspect of one of my designs interesting so I took this into account when talking to one of my peers. He also liked the same aspect as my teacher however, as he is more into the catwalk side of things, he liked the large beaded neck piece best out of all my designs. He also liked the idea of the wrap being see through on the final design. Taking all these things into account I decided that I was going to keep the final design as it was but add extra pieces to it to bump my grade up a little. I added the shawl as this was what my teacher found interesting. I also took my peer's favourite aspect, the neck piece, and changed it a little to come up with a beaded hood. The extra pieces to my final design are shown below.

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